This is the hair I would want if I didn't want it long.
Unfortunately, my hair is nothing like that naturally.
Actually, it probably is. I nunno.
But fringe? Neh.

Hoh mah lawd. Look at that layering.

It seems like everyone at school is really irritable/angsty/just plain angry at the moment. This week is the week from hell for SACs and such, as well as folios and drama enembles due (everyone knows about the drama dramas, because drama students are ... dramatic).
Anyway, everyone apart from myself. I've been making a conscious effort to be less of a growler, but I'm not sure anyone's noticed.
HANYWAY. Today my friend asked me if I'm doing anything for my 18th.
I will not be doing anything. Everyone has enough 18ths this year and to be perfectly emo with you I don't think one less will be much of a problem.
Too hard to get to my house.
Frankly, I have a weird mix of friends and they wouldn't all get along.
En plus, contrary to popular belief there are more people I like than there are people who like me.
Wow, I'm really good at selling myself (hello strangers, I do have friends, just not a lot of really close ones!) ...
I've really thought about this a lot.
I just had a good idea for a post.
2. I think all pluri should end in i.

Way to make me procrastinate further from doing my practice essay.
ReplyDeleteAnd seriously, have a party! But not really, 'cause those reasons are quite good. As if people don't invite you to theirs!
Lover you long time
I'm so much more entertaining than a practise essay!
ReplyDeleteYeah nahhhhh
Ily bebzz.