Your life may just be better off once you do!
In the order they have popped up on my feed today:
1. perfectspeciMEN.
Summary: Eye candy, the definition of.
I love this blog.
Although the current model of the week is Sebastian Monroe which I don't altogether agree with for a plethora of reasons, one of which being that he looks exactly like an acquaintance of mine and it kinda creeps me out when I feel like I'm perving on someone I kinda sorta almost know, BUT as you will be able to see the average attractiveness is at infinity.
Yes, there is definitely a 'type' of boy on this blog but he is definitely a very attractive type so I have no qualms. There is, however, a nice range of lesser known and really famous guys, fairly evenly dispersed.
Unfortunate: I don't always agree. But that's just me.
Best viewed: when you are feeling misandristic, angry at gender inequality and/or the shallowness of boys and want to combat this with some shallowness and objectiveness of your own.
Risks: may prompt loud squeals.

Luke Pasqualino ... !
2. I Love Charts.
Summary: a hugely entertaining combination of wit and simple humour in the form of pretty, colourful charts.
This blog has hundreds of different pictures of venn diagrams, graphs, pie charts, flow charts, everything! These charts vary in topic, including bacon, politics, bicycles, sex, dating, the internet, problem solving, marketing, everything! I Love Charts has everything! The point of the blog is that everything is in a chart SO without further ado, 'ave a looky 'ere!
Unfortunate: Some of the charts/graphs/figures are related on America but ... so is everything.
Best viewed: with friends or by yourself whenever you want a light-hearted lol.

3. Death Wears Diamond Jewellery.
Summary: Sah indie.
Full of pretty pictures, quotes and people which all are really ... ahem 'deep'.
All based around the 'it girl' look with her toussled hair, fat-less thighs, cigarettes and serious indie levels, often there are really good fashion pics amongst the awesome shots. Not much to say, just look and you'll know what I mean.
Unfortunate: Somewhat monotonous and can lead to ITWTLTS (Indie Teenagers Who Take Life Too Seriously).
Best viewed: when you are being indie/deep.
Preview: I used the 'see a random post' button!

4. fuckyeahskins.
Summary: 'For all your Skins needs!' as stated by the blogs.
We all know I have some intense Skins needs.
And this definitely fulfils them. Although they haven't posted anything for three weeks, possibly because we're in between seasons ... anyway the fuckyeah*insertobsession* tumblrs are wear obsessors pay hommage to their ... obsessions. In keeping with this tradition, fuckyeahskins has hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of the actors in Skins, still shots from the show, gifs, etc. It's very very good.
Very, very good.
Another place where one can perve on Luke Pasqualino. Mhmm.
Unfortunate: I am not an actor on Skins.
Best viewed: Anywhere. Everywhere. Any time. Every time.

So thar you have it.
Definitely want brown combat boots now...
ReplyDeleteAll the boys on that first one have crazy cheekbones
I'm happy with my Docs!
ReplyDeleteI know. They're so pretty.