Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some of my favourite things about life.

1. Childhood friendships.
When you were little and you and your best friend wanted to be sisters. How silly you were! Clearly most sisters hate the shit out of each other for about 10 years in total over their lives. At least.

2. The way humans perceive time.
For some reason I love that even though two things can have occurred simultaneously but because of what we relate them to, one can feel like yesterday, the other ten years ago. For example, I had jaw surgery the exact time my last relationship ended ... but because I see them in such different lights in terms of who was involved, how I felt about them, the level of importance and my way of dealing with both they feel like hey happened at completely different times.

3. I have a general obsession with the human brain. I really love it.
I think it's the most interesting thing on the planet. The fact that so much information can be stored ... every single brain is different. And most of all, how little we know about it.
Your brain is responsible for every little thing you do, your personality, how you tackle problems (at school or life). If one little thing is missing or more acute, it makes you different to the person next to you.
Your brain is who you are. I love it.

4. Teenagehood.
I know it's difficult, and makes people unhappy and all that shit but seeing how people change is so fascinating - entire lives are molded by chance meetings, situations and events. I love it when you see people you haven't seen since you were 14 and in the space of years they've completely changed. I like that. I know other people think it's bad, that they're trying to be something they're not - of course they are! Who the hell knows who they are in their teen years? They can't be something they are if they can't even grasp what that might be.
Teenage years are all trial and error. You can't do that any other time.

There you go.
Now you.

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