It's true. I would hate it to be any other way.
I always admire those groups of friends who have been together forever and love eachother and know everything there is to know each person in the group but I don't think I could do that. At least not any time soon. And besides, there are almost always skeletons in the closet.
Maybe I'm really weird (well obviously I'm weird but roll with me) but I just can't hang out with the same people all the time. I need more stimulation.
I'd like to think it's everyone else who's strange and I'm the one who is thinking clearly.
I play trial and error with people. Yeah it can lead to sucky situations but I end up knowing what I want and how to get it. So try it.

Also there's someone in my life who goes out of his way to make me very happy.
I don't know why he does it. But I hope it never ceases.
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