But readplatform.com, you bring the lolz.

I'm going to do this:

I was intensely excited about the above picture.

Can you tell it's the holidays?
PS not having Facebook makes you forget that a lot of people exist.
Quality of life = very excellent.
Today I waited til 4.30 to get my formal dress, got it, love it. 10% discount for the most unnoticeable make up marks. Found out that I was correct in thinking I could only pick it up from Aus Post at 4.30 onwards, it was just 4.30
yesterday onwards. Ah well. Got told off by a Scottish man on the way home, but Scottish people's version of humour is normal people's anger so I laughed along with him.
Got a $70 Coles Myer voucher from grateful parents of basketballers (see earlier post) so went with my family to the shopping plaza. Picked out a bra and
$15 boy friend jeans from Kmart (hadn't been there in a while!) and was severely impressed with my find.
THEN got to the counter and mum paid for it because 'I don't think it's fair that you spend your part time job money on clothing!' .... uh what else would I spend it on mum? At a Coles Myer franchise? Coming up to casual clothes? The woman is insane, but I let her be crazy this time.
Good crazy is always fun.
But honestly, what else do I spend money on? Maybe beauty products will be the go.
Vair good day.