Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh i completely forgot

This one is good.
Very old but good.

I need to rant about my Saturday night.

I went to Matchstick's 18th - it was awesome. Average in terms of her usual parties but still excellent on my scale.
There's are the things that made me giddy:
1. People who didn't judge. In the 'we really don't give a flying fuck and will never say anything about what you're wearing unless you look hot. In that case I will repeatedly tell you, even if I've never met you'.
Comments were rare. Except for towards me but purely because I was the 'so that's how she turned out' kid.
But there were no losers there either.

2. I danced.

Not the 'dance gaily while singing along with your bestest buds to your favourite songs'. That kind gets old.
This kind of dancing was in a small room full of people I mostly either didn't know or had only ever facebook-stalked. The music was good but you were so lost in it you didn't care. I danced with my eyes closed for at least an hour and a half. I have about fifty unexplained bruises from boys bashing around that I didn't give a shit about then. No one cared if you didn't dance sexily - all dancing was sexy.
Even when no one knew the song, all these people (there was one other girl) would yell and jump along.
I think I danced with 453743 boys, didn't hook any - I think I'm in an anti hook mind frame because of a couple of my friends' obsession with it.

3. Everyone was interested.
The conversation wasn't polite. It was people talking because they a) wanted to talk or b) wanted to converse with you. There was no 'How aaaaaare you?' from someone you knew you hated. If someone didn't like you they just didn't talk to you. If someone was having a rant about their life you could walk away while they were mid-sentence and no one would give a shit.

4. No one reacted to anything. Near the end of the night a kid came into a room, punched holes in the door and walked out and no one did anything.
We all just sat there trying to figure out if we had just made that up in our minds or if it had actually happened.
Eventually I got up but everyone else continued sitting and staring and saying nothing, like they were before.

5. The whole fucking thing wasn't about girls looking hot or wearing anything they wouldn't wear to school or trying to impress boys in that stupid heels, tits and legs way. Everyone was fucking stunning in their own amazing way that I wish everyone was.

6. I could walk home. I walked home.
The party wasn't in fucking woop woop on the Southside - it was a Northside party a 15 minute walk from my house.
The Northside, where I swear on my life the people and places are cooler. Overall. Don't fucking shoot me, it's true.

8. I got asked so many times if I missed it.
My honest answer?
Fuck yes.

9. Also when I was walking home at 3 am there was a lone hippy guy who went past me on a scooter. It was entertaining.

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