Sunday, August 29, 2010


Christopher: 'Where have you been all my life?'

Kat: 'I don't know!'

Christopher:'Well I can tell you WHAT you've been. And that, my friend, is: MISSED!'

Kat: 'Ahhh! I miiiiiiiiiiiss yooooooooooooooou to an extent I cannot convey through added vowels!'

Christopher: 'The only vowels I care about are u and i.'

I am jealous of myself for having such an excellent friend.

I have many an excellent friend.

Dear Friends,

Thank you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I've got a feeling,

That it's a demon!

Well no I don't, but if a sentence starts with 'I've got a feeling', it will end in Buffy.

I DO have a feeling that something bad will happen tomorrow.
I'm good at this. Just wait for it.

I hope I'm wrong.


Speaking of Buffy, I am a very big fan.

Buffy had it all.

Excellent make up and hilarious characters.

An awesome cast.

Very importantly ...
James Marsters.


The list goes on an I'm too lazy

BUT most of all.

I wish I had a Giles.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh look at that!

I gotst mah formspring back.
Now that THE PHANTOMMMM is gone I feel like it might be less exciting but oh wellz.

And I haz no Facebook raight nao so formspring can be a way to contact me!

I ruv people.

I like people who can make my day without even doing anything.

Very much :) right now.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Coca cola and ice.

I wish I liked Harry Potter and I wish I liked tea.
That sounded like the start of a poem.

Anyway out of myself and my six closest friends I am the only one not travelling and/or taking a gap year next year.
Am I terrified that I'll be left behind? Yes. Am I terrified that I'll miss out on some amazing life experience? Yes.
Eh, I'll make cool Melbourne friends. And be cool in Melbourne. (Humour me.)

House drama ended and it was beautiful and I got so much out of it.
It was so perfect.
In so may ways that I cannot begin to describe. Despite the award that I don't feel I should have won. I'm sorry to all the people who should have got it!!

I have so much to say.
Too much to put into words.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear world.

Love me.
The end.

Monday, August 9, 2010

In response to your question.

'How come you're so shy around me, but around them you're crazy and loud? I want you to be like that with me.'
You know how so many toddlers are really shy and won't talk when you first meet them?
How they won't talk or play but you know they want to.
Then all it takes is that one toy, that one game and they love you. All of a sudden they're the loud, obnoxious and energetic character you knew they were.
Well I never grew out of that faze. Sometimes I have to be coaxed out of my shell.
Sometimes it's instant, sometimes it's not.
I'm sorry for the shy thing and its inconsistency. I promise there is a predictability to my antics, it's just very difficult to figure out.
I do really think you're awesome.
I think the fact that you're awesome might be making me more shy. It matters more somehow so it's harder for me to break the barrier.
We'll get there!

Oh social life.

So it is often pointed out that I have groups of friends completely separate from one another.

It's true. I would hate it to be any other way.

I always admire those groups of friends who have been together forever and love eachother and know everything there is to know each person in the group but I don't think I could do that. At least not any time soon. And besides, there are almost always skeletons in the closet.
Maybe I'm really weird (well obviously I'm weird but roll with me) but I just can't hang out with the same people all the time. I need more stimulation.
I'd like to think it's everyone else who's strange and I'm the one who is thinking clearly.
I play trial and error with people. Yeah it can lead to sucky situations but I end up knowing what I want and how to get it. So try it.


Also there's someone in my life who goes out of his way to make me very happy.
I don't know why he does it. But I hope it never ceases.