What happens to the primary structure of the protein? 'Monkey spaghetti.'Currently my life is practice exams and SAC cramming.
And getting crushes on people on the train.
I love these things! I'm cutting out the boring questions.
Five things you will find if you open my bag:1. Chemistry CheckPoints.
2. Physics CheckPoints.
3. Sudoku book.
4. Batman wallet.
5. Pencil case.
Five things I’ve always wanted to do in my life:1. Spend a day with orangutans.
2. Live in the UK.
3. Get old.
4. Have four children.
5. Get married!
Five things that make me very happy:1. Bagels.
2. Flight of the Conchords.
3. South Park.
4. Not worrying about anything (yet to happen).
5. Buying clothing.
Five things I’m currently into:1. A boy.
2. The fact that year 12 will be over some day.
3. Healthy food.
4. Saving money. Then spending it on eBay.
5. Macadamia nuts and apples.
Five things on my to-do list:1. Save more money.
2. Hair cut.
3. Sleep.
I don't plan enough to have a 4 or 5.
Five things some people may or may not know about me:1. I’m left-handed.
2. I like weird facts and conspiracies.
3. I'm very easily influenced.
4. I'm scared of the dark.
5. I don't like vegetables.
'If you take away the space and the e from your named, it makes kathar. That's not a word but it sounds like it could be.'OK, pictures but only because I couldn't look away from these two because they're so attractive.

This woman is so intensely ... sdfkghdfgdj. I can't look away. Something about her face.
Barbie: 'What did he say?'
'Hmmm ... uses u and r as if they are actually words but other than he shows potential.
Barbie: 'He just asked me to coffee. Used your, not you're. That's a no then.'
I love Barbie, she's so much smarter than she realises.
Fuck it.

Friggin' love Daria.

I want ... all of them.

So yeah,
- crush
- exams
- no sleep.
I wore trackies today.
That's how crap I felt.
Yeah I know.